Первое знакомство будущих худших врагов...
frizzy-feline, "Начало"
LJ: Beginning by ~frizzy-feline on deviantART
lilyhbp, "В Хогвартс"
DH Prince Tale-Off to Hogwarts by ~VeronicaMartinez
Hillary-CW, "Часть "Истории Принца"
part of the prince's tale by ~Hillary-CW on deviantART
somelatevisitor, "В Хогвартс"
Off to Hogwarts by ~somelatevisitor on deviantART
idajorsing, "ДС спойлер: сильный или умный"
DH Spoiler - Brawn or Brainy by ~idajorsing on deviantART