Еще из ролевой игры "Семинар профессора Снейпа", Первая серия, Act 13. Испытание. Рон с Гермионой тайком выбираются из замка полетать и натыкаются на тяжело раненного Снейпа.
1. Поздравляем Ласковый Псих, ее работа стала "Фичей недели" (это мы лучшие снейпоработы вывешиваем на главной странице) в группе Спиннерз-Энд на ДевиантАрте!
2. Новые снальбусы от ArBoL-6! Кому как, а мне мимими! Все кликабельно, что-то даже несколько раз.
Продолжаю знакомить с этим забавным и замечательным проектом.
Итак, не забывайте, что рисунок со снейпобоггартом это КАТ, а под ним еще другие рисунки и тексты.
The Snape boggart! Oh no! I was actually pleasantly surprised with this one... The hat is roughly based on my 2003 Halloween costume.
Yes, I really drew this before seeing the movie. This is the only conceivable way to shoot this scene, I mean really. Though it's easier to fudge perspective in a drawing than on film... In case you hadn't guessed, this is Harry eavesdropping on Dumbledore and Snape's "private" conversation, with Percy being all self-important and imposing.
Technically this scene should come before the one above, but it fit better on this side of the page so too bad. Percy discovers the Fat Lady missing and the canvas violated. Nasty temper he has, that Sirius Black.
This, like the drawing before, is a thumbnail for a more developed picture I had in mind for future investigation. This is how I imagine "the Grim" appeared to Harry during his game against Ravenclaw, in the storm. I don't know if the finished piece will ever get made, but I like this sort of ominous, understated image better than the cloud-dog Harry sees in the movie, if only because it looks more real and ends up having a logical and touching explanat