Рисунки, как всегда, прекрасны, а вот стоит ли читать фик, не поняла пока: автора имя слышала, но не читала, по саммари может быть и так и сяк, то бишь и хороший фик, и фигня, а кинков своих особо не вижу... Буду реков ждать.
Title: Harry Potter and the Quest for the Sangreal
Artist: zarkir
Other Pairing(s): Past Snape/OMC; brief Harry/Terry Boot
Fic Rating: NC-17
Art Rating: R (NWS)
Word count: 48,600
Content/Warning(s): Chan, 16-18 (highlight for spoilers) *Chan, Harry is 16-18. Teacher/student relationship. First time. Explicit m/m sex. Brief mentions of religious/theological themes. General angst and drama.*
Summary: Horcruxes are dangerous to destroy. Snape knows this. He also knows that Voldemort has his sights set on something more powerful, something more terrifying, and something that, once invoked, cannot be undone. Together with Harry, Snape sets out to find this artefact before the Voldemort can obtain it. If they succeed, they can use its ancient magic to defeat the Dark Lord once and for all. But time is running out.
A/N: This story begins in Harry’s sixth-year. He is 16-18 years old. All sex is consensual. Especial thanks to Aucta Sinistra for the skilled, diligent, and fast beta. All remaining mistakes are my own.
A/N #2: Please click on the art to make it larger.
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