Прочла два очень сильных снарри-антиутопии, причем одна "чистокровная", хоть и после победы Гарри над Волдемортом, а вторая, наоборот, "маггловская", то бишь когда магглы все захватили и стали волшебников чморить. Авторы все — классики фандома. Короче, очень рекомендую!
1. Title: Red Right HandAuthor: sinick &
kasmunautнапомнила про постер. Спасибо!
ШАПКАGenres: Postwar, Alternate Universe *Hover/Click for Games Definition of Alternate Universe*
Prompt: Ministry of Magic
Rating/Warnings: NC17; *warning for: total departure from epilogue canon, slight suggestion of previous partnerships, language.*
Word Count: ~49000
Summary: In a world where winning the war was only half the battle, will Harry Potter's crazy heroics be enough to save an outcast?2.Title: Sing A Mad RebellionAuthor: femmequixoticШАПКАGenre: Alive and Kicking
Prompts: Secrets and Lies, Assassination
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: NC-17, *Non-Snarry pairing (non-explicit), het mentions, bisexuality, minor character death, politics, semi-epilogue compliance, violence*
Word Count: ~56,000
Author Notes/Disclaimers/Betas: A huge thank you to my betas noeon and goseaward, and much gratitude to Noe for coaxing this story into being. Massive thanks also to the mods for their patience.
This fic owes a great debt to such works as Orwell's 1984, Alan Moore's V for Vendetta, the film The Manchurian Candidate and the works of John LeCarre, all of which in some manner provided inspiration for the conception and writing of the story. Danny Foster (and his wife Kirsty) are taken from the BBC series Party Animals which revolves around the lives of young Labour and Conservative political researchers and lobbyists. Nemworth Interrogation Unit and various other MI5-related elements are taken from or influenced by the BBC series Spooks. In addition, I must give major props to the highly informative and incredibly helpful factsheets hosted on the website of the United Kingdom Parliament, which, when printed, fill two reams of paper and a four-inch binder. The title is a nod toward a fragment of verse by John Taylor.
Summary: The State Security Forces come not in the middle of a dark night as one might expect, but on a bright, sunshiny Sunday morning just after the sausages are set on the kitchen table. Поскольку, увы, иллюстраций нет ни к тому, ни к другому, перепощиваю сюда очередную работу
04.06.2012 в 22:39
Еще немного, еще чуть-чуть
Ну я как бы понимаю, что задолбала бесконечным потоком снарри, но во-первых я не могу остановиться, а во-вторых хочу перед отъездом доделать все хвосты, так что потерпите еще немного. Это хвост номер один:
Есть еще один, посмотрим, смогу ли я его догнать)
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